LSTM for m-RNA Folding Prediction

Author: Anil Gurbuz

Last Updated: 20 Oct 2020


This architecture is designed by tito here. I only re-implemented it in Pytorch also utilising some different Pytorch implementation approaches.


  • Only used the training examples that have signal to noise ratio bigger than 1. This is not identical to test filter as private test will directly apply SN_Filter so test data will be even less noisy. Firstly, I applied SN_Filter to training set but once the learning from every base pair is weigted by individual measurement errors, we managed to squeeze out some more information from those examples with SN_Filter=0 but signal to noise ratio bigger than 1. This is justified by CV scores.

Data Augmentation

  • Only augmented training data which improved CV score by 0.000XX
  • TTA increased CV error by 0.005XX. Hence, it is commented out in the code below.

Used Features

  • 100 dimensional embedding of base sequence
  • 100 dimensional embedding of predicted loop type
  • 100 dimensional embedding of structrue
  • 3 features from bpps-sum, max and non-zero counts


  • Simple LSTM architecture starting with an embedding layer and outputing with a linear layer.

Training & Validation

  • During the initial experiments, learning is weighted by the signal to noise ratio but to allow weigting of individual base, I used measurement error for weigthing the training. This gave a very good boost to my CV score -- around 0.005.
  • Weighting the learning by the measurement error, This was done by signal to noise ratio initially

Experiment Tracking

I have been tracking the experiments using Weights&Biases. It is easy to keep records of training statistics for different runs. Most of the times I only train a couple of epochs to see the initial behavior of training and compare it with previous runs. Therefore, some of the runs in the weights&biases projects will only have data for small number of iterations.

Here is public project to check out the convergence of different training runs.

Weights&Biases Project

Also records of some benchmark runs are in the table below;

Version Model Validation MCRMSE Epoch LR Batch Size Folds Date Notes LB
7 GRU 0.319 100 0.01 64 4 @Sep 23, 2020 May try longer training
7 LSTM 0.249 100 0.01 64 4 @Sep 23, 2020
7 Ensemble 0.262 100 0.01 64 4 @Sep 23, 2020
10 GRU 0.305 100 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020 BBP Features added and Weighted loss by ln(signal to Noise ratio) Still Longer training time may help
10 LSTM 0.243 100 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020
10 Ensemble 0.255 100 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020
12 GRU 0.285 170 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020 BBP Features added and Weighted loss by ln(signal to Noise ratio) 0.26493
12 LSTM 0.236 170 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020
12 Ensemble 0.241 170 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020
13 GRU 0.312 300 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020 0.27225
13 LSTM 0.238 300 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020
13 Ensemble 0.247 300 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020
14 GRU 0.335 120 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020 # of Hidden layers increased to 5 from 3
14 LSTM 0.245 120 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020
14 Ensemble 0.261 120 0.01 64 4 @Sep 24, 2020
17 GRU 0.377 200 0.01 64 4 @Sep 25, 2020 Still 5 layers, SNL>1 0.28038
17 LSTM 0.243 150 0.01 64 4 @Sep 25, 2020
17 Ensemble 0.274 0 0.01 64 4 @Sep 25, 2020
18 GRU 0.341 200 0.01 64 4 @Sep 26, 2020 Still 5 layers, SN==1 0.27665
18 LSTM 0.238 150 0.01 64 4 @Sep 26, 2020
18 Ensemble 0.261 0 0.01 64 4 @Sep 26, 2020
19 GRU 0.323 200 0.01 64 4 @Sep 26, 2020 Still 5 layers, SN==1, Augmentation without validation adjustment 0.27994
19 LSTM 0.245 150 0.01 64 4 @Sep 26, 2020
19 Ensemble 0.259 0 0.01 64 4 @Sep 26, 2020
21 GRU 0.32 200 0.01 64 4 @Sep 26, 2020 3 layers, SN==1, Augmentation done with adjustment for validation
21 LSTM 0.231 150 0.01 64 4 @Sep 26, 2020
21 Ensemble 0.246 0 0.01 64 4 @Sep 26, 2020
23 LSTM 0.234 150 0.01 64 4 @Sep 28, 2020 Augmentation data included in validation as well.
26 LSTM 0.234 65 0.01 64 4 @Sep 28, 2020 Dropout=0.4
27 LSTM 0.242 65 0.01 64 4 @Sep 28, 2020 Dropout=0.5 , hidden_layers=2
29 LSTM 0.236 65 0.01 64 4 @Sep 28, 2020 Hidden layers=4, fixed MCRMSE

Understanding about m-RNA Folding Prediction Problem

  • Recurent Neural Networks like LSTM and GRU are expected to work well with m-RNA data because of its sequential nature. The order of the base pairs in an m-RNA molecule is what defines the RNA. Therefore, it is quite similar task with language models and NN architectures working well with NLP tasks are powerful candidates for this task. Considering LSTM and GRU are performing reasonably good, an "attention" mechanism could be also helpful to improve the performance -- which is shown here in this amazing notebook.
In [1]:
import warnings
import os
import sys
import pickle
import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, KFold

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from import DataLoader, TensorDataset, Dataset

device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

#!pip install wandb -q
import logging
logging.propagate = False 

import wandb
from kaggle_secrets import UserSecretsClient
user_secrets = UserSecretsClient()
secret_value_0 = user_secrets.get_secret("wandb_key")
wandb: WARNING If you're specifying your api key in code, ensure this code is not shared publically.
wandb: WARNING Consider setting the WANDB_API_KEY environment variable, or running `wandb login` from the command line.
wandb: WARNING Calling wandb.login() without arguments from jupyter should prompt you for an api key.
wandb: Appending key for to your netrc file: /root/.netrc
wandb: Wandb version 0.10.7 is available!  To upgrade, please run:
wandb:  $ pip install wandb --upgrade
W&B Run:
In [2]:
# Define global variables and load the datasets

# Mapper for base molecules, bond structure and loop type
TOKEN_TO_INT = {x:i for i, x in enumerate('().ACGUBEHIMSX')}

SEQ = ["sequence","structure","predicted_loop_type"]
TARGET = ['reactivity', 'deg_Mg_pH10','deg_pH10', 'deg_Mg_50C', 'deg_50C']
SCORED = ["reactivity", "deg_Mg_pH10","deg_Mg_50C"]
ERROR = ['reactivity_error', 'deg_error_Mg_pH10', 'deg_error_pH10','deg_error_Mg_50C', 'deg_error_50C']

# Some of training parameters
LR = 0.01

train = pd.read_json('/kaggle/input/stanford-covid-vaccine/train.json', lines=True)
test = pd.read_json('/kaggle/input/stanford-covid-vaccine/test.json', lines=True)
sample_sub = pd.read_csv('/kaggle/input/stanford-covid-vaccine/sample_submission.csv')
aug_df = pd.read_csv("../input/how-to-generate-augmentation-data/aug_data.csv")

# Load ordered ids to generate submission format fast at the end of the NB 
with open('../input/tmp-ids-data/public_ids.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    public_id_index = pickle.load(f)
with open('../input/tmp-ids-data/private_ids.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    private_id_index = pickle.load(f)
In [3]:
# Generate basic statistical features from base pair probabilities.
def read_bpps_sum(df):
    bpps_arr = []
    for mol_id in
    return bpps_arr

def read_bpps_max(df):
    bpps_arr = []
    for mol_id in
    return bpps_arr

def read_bpps_nb(df):
    # normalized non-zero number
    # from 
    bpps_nb_mean = 0.077522 # mean of bpps_nb across all training data
    bpps_nb_std = 0.08914   # std of bpps_nb across all training data
    bpps_arr = []
    for mol_id in
        bpps = np.load(f"../input/stanford-covid-vaccine/bpps/{mol_id}.npy")
        bpps_nb = (bpps > 0).sum(axis=0) / bpps.shape[0]
        bpps_nb = (bpps_nb - bpps_nb_mean) / bpps_nb_std
    return bpps_arr 

train['bpps_sum'] = read_bpps_sum(train)
test['bpps_sum'] = read_bpps_sum(test)
train['bpps_max'] = read_bpps_max(train)
test['bpps_max'] = read_bpps_max(test)
train['bpps_nb'] = read_bpps_nb(train)
test['bpps_nb'] = read_bpps_nb(test)
In [4]:
# Concatanate 3 sequence vectors together to feed the NN
def preprocess_inputs(df, cols=['sequence', 'structure', 'predicted_loop_type']):
            .applymap(lambda seq: [TOKEN_TO_INT[x] for x in seq])
        (0, 2, 1)
    bpps_sum_fea = np.array(df['bpps_sum'].to_list())[:,:,np.newaxis]
    bpps_max_fea = np.array(df['bpps_max'].to_list())[:,:,np.newaxis]
    bpps_nb_fea = np.array(df['bpps_nb'].to_list())[:,:,np.newaxis]
    return np.concatenate([base_seqs,bpps_sum_fea,bpps_max_fea,bpps_nb_fea], 2)

# Concatanate Measurement errors to use as weights in learning step
def preprocess_errors(df, cols=['reactivity_error', 'deg_error_Mg_pH10', 'deg_error_pH10','deg_error_Mg_50C', 'deg_error_50C']):
        error1 = np.array(df['reactivity_error'].to_list())[:,:,np.newaxis]
        error2 = np.array(df['deg_error_Mg_pH10'].to_list())[:,:,np.newaxis]
        error3 = np.array(df['deg_error_pH10'].to_list())[:,:,np.newaxis]
        error4 = np.array(df['deg_error_Mg_50C'].to_list())[:,:,np.newaxis]
        error5 = np.array(df['deg_error_50C'].to_list())[:,:,np.newaxis]
        return np.concatenate([error1,error2,error3,error4,error5], 2)
In [5]:
# Augment training data by using the generated molecules with Arnie package
# Thanks for tito again for publishing this.
def aug_data(df):
    target_df = df.copy()
    new_df = aug_df[aug_df['id'].isin(target_df['id'])]
    del target_df['structure']
    del target_df['predicted_loop_type']
    new_df = new_df.merge(target_df, on=['id','sequence'], how='left')

    df['cnt'] = df['id'].map(new_df[['id','cnt']].set_index('id').to_dict()['cnt'])
    df['log_gamma'] = 100
    df['score'] = 1.0
    df = df.append(new_df[df.columns])
    return df

# Put 2 dataframes into same order
def align(df1, df2, col_to_align):
    assert df1.shape[0] == df2.shape[0], "Not same number of Rows"
    df2 = df2.set_index(col_to_align)
    df2 = df2.reindex(df1[col_to_align].values.tolist()).reset_index()
    df1 = df1.reset_index(drop=True)
    assert sum(df1[col_to_align] != df2[col_to_align])==0, "Not all aligned"
    return df1, df2

train = aug_data(train)
#test = aug_data(test)

train.loc[train.log_gamma < 100, ERROR] = train.loc[train.log_gamma < 100,ERROR].applymap(lambda seq: [3*x for x in seq] )

# extract augmentad data from original train
train_augment = train.loc[train.log_gamma < 100,]
train = train.loc[train.log_gamma == 100,]
In [6]:
# Select training and augmentation examples with signalto noise ratio>1
TRAIN_FILTERED = train.loc[train.signal_to_noise>1]
TRAIN_AUGMENT = train_augment.loc[train_augment.signal_to_noise>1]


# Create tensors and store in "device"
TRAIN_INPUTS = torch.tensor(preprocess_inputs(TRAIN_FILTERED)).to(device)
print("input shape: ", TRAIN_INPUTS.shape)

AUGMENT_INPUTS = torch.tensor(preprocess_inputs(TRAIN_AUGMENT)).to(device)
print("Augment shape: ", AUGMENT_INPUTS.shape)

TRAIN_ERRORS = torch.tensor(preprocess_errors(TRAIN_FILTERED)).to(device)
print("Errors shape: ", TRAIN_INPUTS.shape)

TRAIN_LABELS = torch.tensor(
    np.array(TRAIN_FILTERED[TARGET].values.tolist()).transpose(0, 2, 1)
print("output shape: ", TRAIN_LABELS.shape)

AUGMENT_LABELS = torch.tensor(
    np.array(TRAIN_AUGMENT[TARGET].values.tolist()).transpose(0, 2, 1)
print("Augment labels shape: ", AUGMENT_LABELS.shape)

#Get different test sets and process each
public_df = test.query("seq_length == 107").copy()
private_df = test.query("seq_length == 130").copy()

PUBLIC_INPUTS = torch.tensor(preprocess_inputs(public_df)).to(device)
PRIVATE_INPUTS = torch.tensor(preprocess_inputs(private_df)).to(device)

# Create Data Loaders for test data only. Dataset class will be modified for training examlples to return index when called the get method.
PUBLIC_LOADER = DataLoader(TensorDataset(PUBLIC_INPUTS), shuffle=False, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
PRIVATE_LOADER = DataLoader(TensorDataset(PRIVATE_INPUTS), shuffle=False, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)

FOLD_ITERATOR = KFold(FOLDS, shuffle=True, random_state=2020)

## Validation only consider examples that can pass signal to noise filter
new_filtered = TRAIN_FILTERED.reset_index(drop=True)
idx_filter = new_filtered.loc[new_filtered.SN_filter==0].index.tolist()
input shape:  torch.Size([2096, 107, 6])
Augment shape:  torch.Size([2096, 107, 6])
Errors shape:  torch.Size([2096, 107, 6])
output shape:  torch.Size([2096, 68, 5])
Augment labels shape:  torch.Size([2096, 68, 5])
In [7]:
# Modify the get method of Pytorch Dataset class to retun index as well.
class new_dataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, train, test):
        super(new_dataset, self).__init__()
        self.dataset = TensorDataset(train, test)
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        data, target = self.dataset[index]
        return data, target, index
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.dataset)

# Create LSTM architecture
class LSTM_model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        self, seq_len=107, pred_len=68, dropout=0.5, embed_dim=100, hidden_dim=128, hidden_layers=3, num_target_class=5
        seq_len: Length of input m-RNA
        pred_len: Number of bases will be scored
        dropout: Dropout ratio in LSTM
        embed_dim: Number of dimensions to map each element of base seq., loop type and base structure sequences. 
        if 100, 100x3 total i.e for each of sequence elements.
        hidden_dim: Number of hidden layer nodes in LSTM.
        hidden_layers: Number of hidden layers in LSTM.
        num_target_class: Number of target class elements
        super(LSTM_model, self).__init__()
        self.pred_len = pred_len

        self.embeding = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=len(TOKEN_TO_INT), embedding_dim=embed_dim)
        self.lstm = nn.LSTM(
            input_size=embed_dim * 3 +3, # +3 for 3 bpps features
        self.linear = nn.Linear(hidden_dim * 2, num_target_class)
    def forward(self, seqs ):
        # Seperate categorical and numerical features to feed embedding with categoricals
        cat_seqs = seqs[:,:,:3].type(torch.LongTensor).to(device)
        num_seqs = seqs[:,:,3:].type(torch.float)
        embed = self.embeding(cat_seqs)
        # Reduce one dimension of embedding output and concat with numerical features i.e bpps features
        reshaped = torch.reshape(embed, (-1, embed.shape[1], embed.shape[2] * embed.shape[3]))
        reshaped =, num_seqs), axis=2)
        output, hidden = self.lstm(reshaped)
        # Ignore bases that will not scored
        truncated = output[:, : self.pred_len, :]
        # Feed into lienar layer
        out = self.linear(truncated)
        return out

# Use Mean Squared Error as loss function. reduction="none" to allow weighting loss for individual examples.
mse_loss = nn.MSELoss(reduction="none")

def compute_loss(batch_X, batch_Y, batch_weights, model, optimizer=None, is_train=True):
    # Set train/inference mode.
    # Make sure model is in same device with data
    # Make predictions
    pred_Y = model(batch_X)
    # Calculate MSE for current batch -- Doesn't reduce to single MSE value. Keeps squared errors for each example in batch seperately.
    loss = mse_loss(pred_Y, batch_Y)
    #### Weight each squared error using measurement error  ####
    loss =(loss * batch_weights / batch_weights.sum()).sum()
    # Update model if training
    if is_train:
    # Return loss value -- not a tensor
    return loss.item()

# Take column-wise mean of RMSE
def MCRMSE(pred, label, seq_scored=68, index_to_keep=[0,1,3]):
    diff = torch.pow((pred - label),2)
    diff = diff[:,:seq_scored,index_to_keep]
    diff = torch.sum(diff, (0,1))/(diff.shape[0]*diff.shape[1])
    diff = torch.sqrt(diff)
    diff = torch.sum(diff) / 3
    return diff
In [8]:
# Cross-Validation Loop for LSTM
def LSTM_CV():
    # Dataframe to track CV results 
    store = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Model","K", "Val_Index","Val_MCRMSE", "Train_MCRMSE", "Val_Preds", "Public_Preds", "Private_Preds"])
    model_name = "LSTM"
    # For each fold...
    for k, (train_index, val_index) in enumerate(FOLD_ITERATOR.split(TRAIN_INPUTS)):
        ## Weights are based on 1/log() transformation of measurement errors
        weights = 1/(torch.log(TRAIN_ERRORS[train_index] +1.1))
        ## Assign half importance to augmented examples. 1/2 is selected by intiution.
        ## Optimisation would potentially lead to better performance.
        weights =,weights/2),0)
        ## Concat predictors and labels of augmented and original training set.
        fold_inputs =[train_index],AUGMENT_INPUTS[train_index]),0)
        fold_labels =[train_index],TRAIN_LABELS[train_index]),0)
        train_loader = DataLoader(new_dataset(fold_inputs,fold_labels),shuffle=True, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
        ## Make sure each validation set records pass SN_Filter 
        val_index = np.array([i for i in val_index if i not in idx_filter])
        ## Turn array into Torch TensorDataset
        val_set = TensorDataset(TRAIN_INPUTS[val_index], TRAIN_LABELS[val_index])
        val_loader = DataLoader(val_set,shuffle=False, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
        ## Create model class and optimiser
        model = LSTM_model(seq_len=107, pred_len=68).to(device)
        optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=LR)
        ## Train the model and return weights
        model_state = training(model, device, train_loader, val_set, weights, optimizer, one_epoch=False,EPOCHS=EPOCHS)
        ## Make predictions on train and validation set
        train_preds = pred(model, train_loader)
        val_preds = pred(model, val_loader)
        ## Calculate validation and train MCRMSE
        val_MCRMSE = MCRMSE(val_preds, TRAIN_LABELS[val_index])
        train_MCRMSE = MCRMSE(train_preds[:len(train_index),:,:], TRAIN_LABELS[train_index])

        ## Private part of test data requires different NN architecture for inference as m-RNA length is different.
        model = LSTM_model(seq_len=107, pred_len=68)
        public_preds = pred(model, PUBLIC_LOADER)

        model = LSTM_model(seq_len=130, pred_len=91)
        private_preds = pred(model, PRIVATE_LOADER)
        # Store results of the fold to store dataframe
        store = store.append(dict(zip(store.columns.tolist(), (model_name, k, val_index , val_MCRMSE, train_MCRMSE, val_preds, public_preds, private_preds))), ignore_index=True)   
    return store

# Define training Loop steps to use in cross-validation
def training(model, device, train_loader, val_dataset, weights, optimizer, one_epoch=False, EPOCHS=90):
    # Track model convergence using weights&biases, log="all")
    # Run one_epoch if running for error checking 
    if one_epoch:
    # For each epoch...
    for epoch in tqdm(range(EPOCHS)):
        ## For each batch... 
        for data, label, index in train_loader: # train_loader gives index as well due to modification in Dataset class
            ### Get weights of the batch
            batch_weights = weights[index]
            ### Update model and return training loss
            train_batch_loss = compute_loss(data, label, batch_weights, model, optimizer=optimizer, is_train=True)
            ### Every validation examples weighted by 1 as their affect on RMSE are equal and no learning going in here.
            batch_weights = torch.ones_like(val_dataset[:][1]).to(device)
            ### Don't update model and return validation loss
            val_loss = compute_loss(val_dataset[:][0], val_dataset[:][1], batch_weights, model, optimizer=optimizer, is_train=False)
            ### Log loss values and epoch to weights&biases
    # Return model weights
    return model.state_dict()

def pred(model, test_loader):
     # Tell Torch not to track gradients as doing inference here.
     # If not, memory can overflow as Torch goes on storing gradients without zero_grad() call.
     with torch.no_grad():
        # Set inference mode
        # Empty tensor to store predictions in "device"
        preds = torch.empty((0, model.pred_len, 5), device=device)
        # concat predictions for entire test data
        for data in test_loader:
            data = data[0].to(device)
            pred = model(data).to(device)
            preds =[preds, pred], axis=0)

        return preds
In [9]:
# Turn tensor outputs into single MCRMSE value
def tensor_to_item(df):
    df[["Val_MCRMSE","Train_MCRMSE"]] = df[["Val_MCRMSE","Train_MCRMSE"]].applymap(lambda x: x.item())
    return df

# Average predictions of each fold on test data
def create_submission(df,FOLDS):
    df_preds=df[["Public_Preds", "Private_Preds"]]
    publics = torch.zeros_like(df["Public_Preds"][0])
    privates = torch.zeros_like(df["Private_Preds"][0])
    for fold in range(FOLDS):
        publics +=  df["Public_Preds"][fold]/FOLDS
        privates += df["Private_Preds"][fold]/FOLDS
    return publics, privates

# Replicate sample_submission format
def format_submission(public_preds, private_preds, public_id_index, private_id_index):
    submission_file = pd.read_csv("../input/stanford-covid-vaccine/sample_submission.csv")
    for i, (start, end) in enumerate(public_id_index):
        submission_file.iloc[start:start+68,1:] = np.array(public_preds[i,])
    for i, (start, end) in enumerate(private_id_index):
        submission_file.iloc[start:start+91,1:] = np.array(private_preds[i,])
    return submission_file
In [10]:
# Train LSTM 
track_CV = LSTM_CV()
track_CV = tensor_to_item(track_CV)

print(f"Model: {track_CV.Model[0]:.3s},  Validation MCRMSE: {track_CV.Val_MCRMSE.mean():.3f}")

# Average predictions of CV folds on public and private test
pred_publics, pred_privates =create_submission(track_CV, FOLDS)

# Take predictions to CPU device and resturucture
final_submission = format_submission(pred_publics.cpu(), pred_privates.cpu(), public_id_index, private_id_index)

# Generate submission file
final_submission.to_csv("final_submission.csv", index=False)
  0%|          | 0/65 [00:00<?, ?it/s]wandb: Wandb version 0.10.7 is available!  To upgrade, please run:
wandb:  $ pip install wandb --upgrade
100%|██████████| 65/65 [05:35<00:00,  5.16s/it]
100%|██████████| 65/65 [05:48<00:00,  5.36s/it]
100%|██████████| 65/65 [06:08<00:00,  5.67s/it]
100%|██████████| 65/65 [06:23<00:00,  5.90s/it]
Model: LST,  Validation MCRMSE: 0.232